Stage 2/2021
O1. Preparation of new hybrid doped TiO2/polymer nanostructured materials by electrospinning technique.
O2. Inclusion of graphene in new composite materials developed with the aim of increasing strength and photocatalytic activity.
A.2.1. Preparation of TiO2 doped with different metal ions (such as Ag, Sn, La, Er, Sm, Mo etc).
The results obtained in this step are based on the preparation of one-dimensional TiO2 nanostructures doped with Ag, Cu, La, Sm, and Er, according to Scheme 1:
A.2.2. Morphological, structural, optical, and electrical characterization of inorganic components and selecting materials with improved photocatalytic potential.
The new systems obtained based on TiO2 doped with Cu, Ag, La, Sm and Er were characterized by several analysis techniques (X-ray diffraction, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, and optical spectroscopy), and then to be correlated with the photocatalytic properties for the different organic dyes. Below, we will choose for example the TiO2 system doped with Cu.
A.2.3. Integration of inorganic components in various polymer matrices (PVDF, PSU etc.) using electrospinning.
The present activity refers to the optimization of the conditions for obtaining composite membranes of PVDF/TiO2-Sm type, more precisely, obtaining a composite membrane with high photocatalytic performance and good mechanical integrity obtained by the electrospinning method. Starting from the photocatalytic performances reported in activities A.2.2. for the inorganic TiO2 components doped with different metals (Ag, Cu, La, Er, Sm), we proposed to choose the inorganic material with the best photocatalytic performance based on TiO2 doped with Sm and its incorporation in a polymeric matrix, according to scheme 2.
A.2.4. Morphological and structural characterization of a newly developed material using the adequate investigation techniques (XRD, TEM/SEM, Raman spectrometry, UV-VIS spectrometry, mechanical and photocatalytic screening tests).
A.2.5. Preparation of hybrid TiO2:Mn+ composite nanostructured materials with the inclusion of a controlled amount of graphene
A.2.6. Complex characterization of hybrid composite materials.
A.2.7. Evaluation of the photocatalytic activity against common dyes water pollutants and mechanical resistance for each material on each synthesized material (with respect to morphology, dopant, amount of graphene) followed by optimization of the growth technique with respect to photocatalytic efficiency.
All the results obtained in these activities (A.2.5., A.2.6. and A.2.7.) are part of the content of a scientific article being drafted based on the production of hybrid fibrous composite membranes PVDF/TiO2:Sm which include controlled amounts of graphene and oxidized graphene. The materials were tested and optimized for the degradation of methylene blue in visible light in order to improve photocatalytic performance.